One of the first scientific project can show you a first grader to learn science in a fun way. Science fair projects plant the seeds of interest in science, in a child. It fires the imagination and awaken their interest in the world around them. The first class is the ideal time to introduce a child to the wonderful world of science and then to investigate the child and to satisfy his curiosity. The child also learns to be methodical and organized the project follows the scientificMethod and is based on scientific principles and concepts that children can easily understand based.
During a lecture in the classroom is often rather one-sided with the teacher to give the maximum amount of inputs, a project focused on creativity and initiative of the child. The child is involved in his project one hundred percent. Science fair projects also help strengthen the bond between parent and child when the child turns in general, parents of ideas, and, finally, the choicethe subject.
For a science fair project first class to be successful, you must use the following suggestions.
1.Allow the child to choose the experiment when the subject interests of the child. If you do not want to do it, you'll fight all the time.
2 Even if the teacher or parent can be a hand and accompany the child, the child should be allowed to work independently. No adult should always have complete control over the project. Adults should just keep your eyes open forensure that there are no accidents or breakdowns. Tips and guidelines can be given, but the child should be the way to do the experiment, and pull his conclusions. In this way, a child learns a lot more.
3.Allow the child have fun while doing the project
4.Allow can experience the child as an idea for a project to many questions and bring new ideas.
5.Allow the child to be as creative as a child can have a completely different perspective onProject.
There are thousands of ideas. Some are:
1.To explain the concept of density, an egg, place in a bowl with water and see if it sinks or swims. Replace the water with salt water, water, sugar, oil and various other liquids of different density and record the results.
2.Make a simple lever with a pencil and a stick of ice cream. Balance coins at each end and explain the principle.
3.Test the magnetic force of a magnet by covering with paper, plastic, aluminum foiletc. Check their magnetic force.
4.Make different designs for aircraft and flight test, what are the best.
5.Find, white or dark objects if heated quickly in the sun.
6.Demonstrate as a solar / lunar eclipse occurs.
7.Make a compass with a needle and cork.
8.Plant seeds and watch them grow.
9.Explain the water cycle.
Thus, a first-class science fair project, a scientific experience, and one that children will never be forgotten.